"Do Your Practice and All is Coming.” -Sri K. Patthabi Jois


Welcome to the only Boutique Yoga and Pilates Studio located in the quaint Village of Zionsville, IN!

We are truly a special place where all people are welcome to come together to enjoy the many benefits of Yoga and Pilates. We are committed to providing outstanding classes, trainings and workshops, taught by some of Indy’s BEST teachers!

The Blooming Life Yoga Studio offers over 30+ classes each week, providing a range of classes/styles suitable for beginner to advanced practitioners, such as Gentle Yoga and Power Flow to Mat Pilates and Bounce Express (Mini-Trampoline).

We are thrilled to announce our newest addition - The Blooming Life Pilates Studio! Offering Group Reformer Classes and Private/Duet Pilates Sessions. We have intentionally kept our Pilates Studio small (max 4 students) so we can offer you a deeper, personalized experience!

In addition to our outstanding classes, we also offer a 200-HR Yoga Teacher Training Program, along with a 100-HR In-Depth Yoga Studies Course (both Yoga Alliance Certified). Monthly Workshops and Specialty Classes, plus our immensely popular Yoga Retreats to Costa Rica and Dominica!

Our Manta is LOVE ~ PRACTICE ~ GROWTH ~ COMMUNITY. We are committed to helping every person that walks through our door find inner strength, self-confidence and peace of mind.